Tuesday, February 25, 2020

LPN to RN Transitions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

LPN to RN Transitions - Essay Example Registered nursing is at the top of the nursing team. They are holders of a degree or a three-year diploma course. Registered nursing have expanded duties in the field but their main role is taking care of the patients and ensuring that patients are living in a safe and a healthy environment. Another role is taking orders from the head of the nursing staff and assessing the patient’s condition by coming up with a plan to take care of a patient. The care plan is determined by many factors including the age, sex, religion, dietary needs and the willingness of the family support. Registered nurse is also responsible for triage, a practice that determines which patients should receive treatment first based on the showing symptoms and major complaints. Nurses with Bachelor’s Degrees have greater opportunities in the careers as they are involved in research programs in the nursing field that helps in promoting effective health care in the community and in health facilities. As such, the registered nurses are also involved in nursing science, which entails scientific research in health care (Dreher, 2011). Leadership role in Registered nurses ensures improved health care in patients and helps nurses in acquiring essential skills and abilities required in the health system. For instance, carrying re-education projects to improve the effectiveness in nursing. LPN nurses also referred to as vocational nurses have about a year in the nursing school to attain a certificate in the field. LPN nurses can perform most RN duties but they assess duties as directed by the physician. LPN role ranges from giving medication to patients as directed by the physician, injections and immunizations, entering data in the computer system, taking medical history, checking crucial sign encompassing temperature and high blood pressure. They are also responsible in checking wound care, which include cleaning and bandaging an injury.

Friday, February 21, 2020

What is the link between resilience and complexity Essay

What is the link between resilience and complexity - Essay Example In the present world, changes are ever occurring, many of which come with difficulties of adapting to. Various difficulties in life have forced people to bounce back to their normal living styles even after the complexities of life. The bouncing back provides a definition of the resilience concept. In this paper, discussion is made on the inter-relation of resilience and complexity. Resilience thinking is elaborated to show its broad areas of application and the how it is taken in the social, as well as the political scenarios. Thus, resilience thinking is the solution to the problem of governance in this complex world. Resilience is a principal concept in regard to government policy understandings. Currently, resilience is viewed as the ideal policy. It is, therefore, evident that resilience is a key facet on governance; as it shapes thinking. This complex world is in dire need of a new approach of governing. It is vital to note that the world is viewed as complex. Thus, without complexity, there would be no need of resilience. This is based on the fact that resilience thinking is involved with risks as well as complex aspects that influence the life of man. The synergy between resilience thinking in regard to governance and the complexity of the world will be under analysis. Resilience has come to be recognized as central to international and domestic policy-making. It has come to be seen as the guiding principle of policy governance and a key political category of our time. For sustainable development, resilience has become a top priority, and an international development aid agenda, which is key to international security concerns since it is vital for disaster risk reduction. Resilience affects the way politics is conducted both at the domestic and international levels1. In this discussion, a range of issues and questions will be analysed in terms of resilience frameworks, from educational training in schools to the global ethics and from

Saturday, February 8, 2020

Disparities between races in the legal system Term Paper

Disparities between races in the legal system - Term Paper Example Targeting populations has gone so far as to include pregnant women who are drug addicted, effectively giving them no other recourse than to abort their children rather than risk jail time as services and efforts made post conception are not always considered when incarceration is considered by the legal system. The primary problem with this concept is that it appears to attack African American women over any other race, thus suggesting that the legal system is trying to encourage African American women to abort their children, rather than carrying them to term. The way in which the justice system has developed has encouraged and promoted a continuation of social problems rather than providing relief for those issues through racial profiling that diminishes the credibility of the system.Traffic Stops  Racial profiling is defined by Glover (2009) as â€Å"the use of racial and/or ethnic status as the determinant factor in decisions to stop motorists either in the absence of indicati ons of criminality or in determining who to enforce law against† (p. 11). There is a pervasive habit among law enforcement to stop drivers who appear to fall within the social groups of African American or of Hispanic descent for traffic violations, real or exaggerated, in order to investigate the nature of their business within a specified geographic location. A study done under the supervision of Dr. John Lamberth through Temple University in 1994 showed that the New Jersey police provided for an unfair.... that it appears to attack African American women over any other race, thus suggesting that the legal system is trying to encourage African American women to abort their children, rather than carrying them to term. The way in which the justice system has developed has encouraged and promoted a continuation of social problems rather than providing relief for those issues through racial profiling that diminishes the credibility of the system. Traffic Stops Racial profiling is defined by Glover (2009) as â€Å"the use of racial and/or ethnic status as the determinant factor in decisions to stop motorists either in the absence of indications of criminality or in determining who to enforce law against† (p. 11). There is a pervasive habit among law enforcement to stop drivers who appear to fall within the social groups of African American or of Hispanic descent for traffic violations, real or exaggerated, in order to investigate the nature of their business within a specified geograp hic location. A study done under the supervision of Dr. John Lamberth through Temple University in 1994 showed that the New Jersey police provided for an unfair percentage of traffic stops for people of non-Caucasian groupings. The study showed that â€Å"while African American drivers and Caucasian drivers committed roughly the same percentage of traffic violations, a startling statistic of 73.23% of the drivers stopped were African American drivers, while only 13.5% were of a different race† (Harris, 1999, 265) A Maryland lawsuit involved a defendant by the name of Robert Wilkins, a Harvard Law student, against the police department because he felt that when he was stopped by the police he and his family were unfairly processed and made to wait while drug sniffing drugs were brought to the scene

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Business Report in Hilton Hotels Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Business Report in Hilton Hotels - Assignment Example With the increasing reliability upon the group effort by the society and the increment in the organised groups, it has been found that the task of the managers has been increasing in importance and complexity. Since then the management theory has underpinned the way managers manage complex organisation. Therefore, it can be said that management is the process of designing and upholding the environment where the individual who are working collectively in groups efficiently accomplish their aims. There are various objectives of the management. One of them is to ensure that the organisational goals and targets are being met in the lowest possible cost and without any kind of wastage. There are primarily five management functions. They are ‘planning, organising, staffing, leading and controlling’. There are various management theories such as the scientific management school, the management science school, the classical organisational theory school, the behavioural school, a nd the recent development in management theory such as systems approach, team building theory contingency or situational theory and chaos theory. The contingency or situational theory is linked to the Hilton hotels as the main challenge for the hotel is to take its hotels to a greater height and expand its operation in international markets. It needs to beat the growing competition that are providing better facilities and hence are increasing their efficiencies in the service industry. There is a close link between the challenge of Hiltons and the contingency theory. The situational or the contingency theory tries to explain that whenever the decision is taken by the management they must take into consideration all the aspects of the current situation and must instantly act upon those aspects that are important to the situation (Olum, 2004). 1.1 The Competing Values Framework The framework evolved out of the research in order to determine the key factors of the organisational effect iveness. The theory was processed by Quinn and Rohrbaugh in the year 1983. There are two sets of dimension comprising four major quadrants that represent opposite and competing assumptions. The first set of dimension ranges from flexibility and discretion on one hand to stability and control on the other hand. The second dimension consists of internal focus and integration to external focus and differentiation. According to Quinn and Cameron, the quadrant has been labelled as Clan, Adhocracy, Hierarchy and Market cultures. The clan culture is similar to an extended family. This type of organisation focuses upon the employee involvement, empowerment, cohesion, participation, team work, corporate commitment to the employees and self managed teams. The adhocracy culture focuses on the dynamic, creative and entrepreneurial organisation. These kinds of organisations thrive in an ambiguous, turbulent and uncertain environment. In case of hierarchy culture, it is assumed to be a formalised and structured bureaucracy. It values reliability, predictability, efficiency and standardisation. The market culture is goal oriented and intensely competitive. It tries to put more emphasis upon the market share, profitability, penetration, productivity and wining (Lincoln, 2010). Source: (East Carolina University, n.d.).